Our Objectives
The Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA) is an international organization, controlled by its artist members, whose purpose is to:
- Make contact with all people who are either artists who have lost the use of their hands through accident or illness and who paint with the brush held in the mouth or with the feet; or people who, having been born or become disabled, wish to learn to paint and support themselves through the sale of their work.
- Take care of its artists’ financial needs by helping them sell their work, primarily in the form of reproductions as greetings cards, calendars and other paper products.
- Market and promote the work of MFPA artists as a commercial cause able bodied people can enjoy and support.
- Cooperate in the interests of self-helping disabled people, worldwide.
- Establish publishing houses.
- Give disabled people who are interested in becoming art students moral and financial assistance to do so and give them financial, practical and creative support to become fully developed artists and members of MFPA.
- Help disabled artists attain self-respect, creative fulfillment and financial security.
- Stage exhibitions and conferences worldwide.

Bird of Paradise in Abstract
Mouth-painted by Dennis Francesconi