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American Artists

Below are our 51 American Artists. To learn more about an individual artist, or to view an example of their work, please see below.



Ronald Tabor was born in 1948. He lost the use of his legs and hands after being injured in a car accident when he was 21 years old. Ronald has had work exhibited in many art shows. His favorite subjects are animals, including birds and butterflies. Ronald does not limit his paintings to canvas, he has recently painted several wooden cabinet doors, one of which received a second place award at the Ozark Heritage Art Center show. Ronald currently resides in Harrison, Arkansas, with his wife and three children. He is an active member of his community, where he often visits local schools and church groups to give demonstrations. Ronald also enjoys talking with graduate students before they begin their occupational and physical therapy residencies. In his spare time, Ronald enjoys playing chess, collecting antiques, raising farm animals, fishing and visiting with friends and family. Ronald was promoted to Full Member in 2013.

Pictured above: “Sailing Out to Sea” by Tabor.



Will Barton, from San Diego, was studying to follow in the footsteps of his Artist parents when a tragic incident left him paralyzed in both arms and one leg. After leaving friends, Will was walking home talking to his cousin on the phone when a stranger ran up behind him and shot him at point blank range in the shoulder, neck and head. The stranger, who later went on a rampage throughout the city, left Will for dead.

Will was given only a 1% chance of survival, and Doctors said he would most likely be in a permanent catatonic state should he live. Despite these extraordinary odds, Will pulled through and after months of extensive therapy Will can speak, sit upright and even take a few steps.

Determined to continue his dreams of becoming an artist, Will (with the help of his artist parents) began mouth painting filling the appetite for creativity he had prior to his injury. Using tragedy as a tool for recovery, Will uses his art for recreational therapy and one day hopes to become a recreational therapist himself.

Will was accepted as a Student Member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting in 2015.

Pictured above: “Devargas” by Barton


Cindi Bernhardt became a quadriplegic at the age of 18, when she broke her neck in a fall from a second-floor window. While in the hospital, she learned to write using a specially adapted pen between her teeth. Her writing soon progressed to sketching, then to painting. Following physical therapy, Cindi attended Mount San Antonio Junior College in Walnut, California, and received associate degrees in Child Development and Mental Health. She was working in a school for at-risk children when she decided to pursue her passion for art. In 1991, she joined the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists as a student member and remains in this position while continuing to work in the field of social services.

Today, Cindi’s works are featured in private collections throughout the United States, including one owned by William E. Simon, the former president of the U.S.A. Olympic Committee. During the 2002 Winter Olympics, Cindi carried her wheelchair-mounted Olympic torch through the streets of Pasadena, California, as part of the relay team that carried the flame throughout the country to the Salt Lake City Games.

As a special tribute to those who died on 9/11, Cindi painted an emotive image of a red, white and blue American eagle shedding a tear. MFPA created this piece as a tribute to the anniversary of 9/11 in 2002, and inserted it into 730,000 copies of the New York Times.

In her spare time, Cindi shares her story of triumph over adversity as a motivational speaker. She currently resides in West Covina, California.

Pictured above: “Crying Eagle” by Bernhardt.


FranciscoEstrada was born in Los Angeles. When he was teenager, he was caught in the cross fire of a drive by shooting, which left him quadriplegic. He was moved to Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center where he was encouraged to try mouth painting as a form of therapy. At first he was skeptical, although he had enjoyed art prior to his injury, he couldn’t see how mouth painting would work. It wasn’t until one his social workers told him about the many mouth painters who had started through the Rancho art therapy program that he began painting in earnest. Francisco began with paint by numbers, before realizing that he wanted to create his own artwork, the kind of subjects and styles he would like to see hanging in his own home. At one of the exhibitions at Rancho, he met Ann Ruth, Esvin Rodriguez and Robert Thome who encouraged him to apply to the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. . Francisco was accepted as a Student Member in 2023. .

Pictured above: “Leopard” by Estrada.


Frank Espinosa was born in West Covina CA in 1972. At 18 years old Frank was shot in the head and neck leaving him quadriplegic. Even before his injury, Frank had a strong affiliation toward art but had never before applied pencil to paper. As part of his personal rehabilitation he decided to put a pen in his mouth and began drawing. Diligently working at his craft, Frank soon flourished as a mouth artist. After a brief hiatus for medical reasons, Frank resumed drawing and applied to the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists and began painting with the help of Full Member Robert Thome. In 2014, Frank was accepted as a student member to the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists.

Pictured above: “Brownie” by Espinosa.


Dennis Francesconi was 17 years old when he broke his neck in a water skiing accident. This injury left him paralyzed from the chest down. A few years later during his rehabilitation, he met his future wife, Kristi. Kristi encouraged Dennis to find an outlet to express his emotions. He chose writing, which began as a need to write his name and to recapture his identity. “I grew tired of being known as ‘X’ which was all I could scribble with a pen wedged between my fingers. So one day, in an act of frustration, I grabbed the pen between my teeth and just wrote my name,” said Dennis.

Writing then turned into doodling, and over time, his talent developed. Dennis became an MPFA student artist in 1993, when a chance meeting with a fellow MFPA artist led him to apply to the Association.

As his talent progressed, he took on more difficult art subjects and experimented with untraditional paint media. In 1999, when Dennis was promoted to a full member MFPA artist, he was able to fulfill his lifelong dream of coming off Social Security support.

Dennis has participated in about 70 exhibitions, which include shows in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta, as well as Europe, Asia, and Australia. He currently lives in Madera, California and attributes much of his success to the MFPA.

Pictured above: “Birds of Paradise in Abstract” by Francesconi.


Jesus Montoya was born in Michoacan, Mexico in 1977. He came to America at the age of 13 to better his life. Sadly enough, at the age of 21, he was in a serious car accident which left him with a severe spinal cord injury. He has no use of his legs and very limited use of his arms.

While attending school, Jesus began painting by holding the brush in his mouth. He soon realized he had a passion for art. Jesus plans to further his education while mastering his ability to paint. He enjoys painting flowers in watercolors and is currently living in Santee, California.

Pictured above: “Autumn” by Montoya.


Bill Morales was born in El Salvador in 1954. At only 14 years old he developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a rare autoimmune disorder that damages the nervous system. Shortly after his diagnosis, Bill moved to California to continue his rehabilitation at the world renowned Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Hospital. In 1969, the effects of his condition rendered Bill completely paralyzed. Bill was first introduced to mouth painting by MFPA member, and fellow Rancho Los Amigos’ ex-patient, Robert Thome. After many years of encouragement, Bill picked up a paint brush and discovered a new found inspiration in his life, and is dedicated to his craft as a mouth painter. Bill lives with his wife of 29 years in their home in California and is the father of two sons. Bill became a student member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2013.

Pictured above: “Pelican Bay” by Morales


Paul O’Lone was born in Philadelphia. Paul body building when he was seventeen years old and fell in love with the sport, earning the title of Mr. North America in 1993. However, everything in Paul’s life changed when he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in his early 30’s. In 2001, Paul moved to California to open his own accessible personal training gym, focusing on all levels of disabilities. When his gym was forced to close during the Covid-19 pandemic, Paul began mouth painting as a creative outlet and found a new passion and talent. Paul was accepted as a Student Member in 2023. .

Pictured above: “Humming Bird” by O’Lone.


Kenzi Robi, from California, has loved to paint for as long as he can remember. As a small boy, his father would return home from his job at a paper factory with giant spools of paper that Kenzi and his five brothers and sisters would spend countless hours drawing and painting on.

As a young adult, Kenzi embarked on a career in art and enrolled at City College in San Francisco with a major in Graphic Design. In 1992, when he was only 19 years old, Kenzi was assaulted while at a party and was shot 3 times. One of the bullets struck Kenzi in the neck immediately rendering him quadriplegic.

Kenzi struggled to accept his new life as a quadriplegic, now totally dependent upon someone else to help him with every day to day task. However, one day (after many attempts to use complicated apparatus) Kenzi decided to grasp a paint brush between his teeth and began to paint. The creative ability he thought he had lost blossomed and his life no longer seemed so bleak.

Kenzi was accepted as a Student Member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2015.

Pictured above: “Pink Wallpaper” by Robi


Esvin Rodriguez was born in 1979. Gunned down in a gang-related shooting at the age of 16, Esvin was fortunate enough to have been exposed to mouth painting while rehabilitating at All Saints Healthcare in North Hollywood.

Under the tutelage of celebrated MFPA member artist Robert Thome, Rodriguez is quickly gaining a reputation as a talented artist. His playful abstracts, portraits of flowers, animals and landscapes show a maturity that only comes from natural ability. Esvin credits Thome and the All Saints’ activities director, Gye Di Capua, for bringing out the art.

“When I started to paint, I slowly moved away from all the hate and the anger I was carrying as a young man,” he says. “You can see how it has gone from dark images to lighter as I became lighter inside. Painting is saving my life.”

Esvin lives in Santa Monica, California, and is often asked to speak to young people in the community about overcoming adversity.

Pictured above: “Snowcovered Night” by Rodriguez.


Ann Ruth, from Rolling Hills Estates CA, was only five years old when she suffered a spinal cord injury whilst playing with her brother on a gymnastic beam. The injury she sustained was similar to that of late actor Christopher Reeve resulting in complete paralysis from her neck down and left her to depend on a respirator. With the help of her devoted parents, Ann maintained a positive attitude despite her disability. Ann began painting in junior high at the encouragement of a friend. Later in her life, Ann resumed her passion for painting. For Ann, painting is a break from reality; an opportunity to focus on creating beautiful paintings to bring herself and others joy. Ann was accepted as a student member to the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2014.

Pictured above: “Orange Blossom” by Ruth.


Peter Soby was born in 1967 in Chicago, IL. For as long as he can remember, art was a large part of his life, from painting and sketching to playing a variety of musical instruments. In high school, Peter was well known among his peers as an active member of the school community as both the vice president of the student council, year book editor and the voice of the high school radio. Peter had a bright and promising future ahead of him and enrolled in the communications program at the local community college after graduation. Then, in the summer between his freshman and sophomore year in College,while hanging out with friends, Peter dove into a lake that was too shallow instantly severing his spinal cord between the 5th and 6th vertebrae. Despite this tragic setback, and after months of rehabilitation, Peter’s drive and passion remained undeterred and he never lost focus of his love of the arts. Peter continued to DJ, and although he could no longer play the piano or guitar, he taught him self to play the harmonica using a brace to hold the harmonica in place (just like Bob Dylan!). Peter later moved to LA and emmersed himself in film, theater and music- directing short films, plays and music videos for local artists. It wasn’t until he was having a conversation with a good friend, and fellow MFPA artist Mariam Paré, that he was encouraged to return to his roots as visual artist and start mouth painting. After a period of trial and error- Peter found his inspiration and blossomed as a mouth artist, before at Mariam’s encouragement, applying to the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists.

Peter was accepted as a Student Member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2015.

Pictured above: “Cat Art Gallery’ by Soby.


Alana Tillman, from California, was born with Arthrogryposis; a birth defect that left her without the use of her arms and hands. Alana quickly learned how to write using her mouth, but it wasn’t until she was introduced to painting, while recovering from multiple surgeries in a children’s hospital, that she was given the drive to succeed. Alana began seriously painting at the age of 12, and earned her Associates degree in fine arts and liberal science from the Santa Rosa Junior College of California, where Alana not only creates art, but is also an assistant curator at the college’s art gallery. Alana uses many different media to paint haunting and beautiful landscapes, as well as vibrant pop art images. Alana became a student member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2013.

Pictured above: “Berry Branch” by Tillman



Alex Biagi developed a rare autoimmune neuromuscular disease called CIDP that left him without the use of his arms or hands and limited use of his legs. Before his disease, Alex was extremely active and enjoyed playing a vairiety of sports. He was also a gifted pianist and guitar player, but his first love was art. Alex had begun a degree in 3D animation, but was forced to end his studies when his disease progressed.

Determined to continue his passion, Alex began mouth painting to continue his artists endeavors. Alex’s favorite subjects are animals and portraiture, especially portraits of his sporting heroes. Alex also continues to work on his adaptive computer, producing graphic designs and animation as well as music. Alex became a Student member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2021.

Pictured above: “My Best Friend” by Biagi.



Donna Smith was born in 1954. She became a quadriplegic during a boating accident in 1990. Donna has learned from many painting instructors, including courses from the Famous Artist School and a marine painting course. In 1995, she joined MFPA, and has been recognized for her work at the Sister Kenny International Art Show. She enjoys painting animals, scenery and flowers.

Donna lives in Colchester, Connecticut. In her spare time Donna enjoys reading and crafts.

Pictured above: “Harbor View” by Smith.



Mrs. Quintero Bealer was born on the 11th of September 1972 in Bogota, Colombia without arms and legs. After Primary School she completed the sixth year of secondary school in a long-distance study program. Since the age of 5 she has been painting Oil and Acrylic pictures. She has participated in several paint competitions in schools. Her hobbies are Music and Lectures. Everin spends her time between her native country of Columbia and Florida, USA.

Pictured above: “Cottage by the brook” by Bealer.


Christopher Kuster was in a tragic swimming accident which left him a quadriplegic in 1992. During his long months of recovery in the hospital, Chris searched for a focus for his new life living in a wheelchair. He spent most of his life enjoying the outdoor lifestyle of the West Florida coast and he somehow wanted to capture that feeling of peace and tranquility which surrounded him. Learning to paint by holding the brush in his mouth was a long, slow process which Chris eventually mastered. His paintings are so realistic, you can almost hear the waves crashing on the shore.

Chris hopes that his paintings will transport his viewers to the places he has been, and capture the serene essence that is the Florida landscape. Chris’ works have been featured on television, represented in galleries and nationally published. He was easily accepted into the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2009.

Pictured above: “Regatta” by Kuster.


Sara May from Florida, had always been artistic, spending many hours Scrapbooking and engaging in arts and crafts. However, Sara was diagnosed with Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis in 2005 which forced her to leave work and drastically limited her ability to be creative.

In her youth, Sara had been a painter. She had won many awards and was selected to attend a prestigious art program at Hendrix College in Arkansas. Now as an adult with little to no movement in her arms and hands, Sara began painting again, this time as a mouth painter and found that her old talent still remained. Thanks to her journey into mouth painting, Sara is once again able to express her creativity.

Sara was accepted as a Student Member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2015.

Pictured above: “Lighthouse” by May.


Tony Ryals was born May 28, 1959 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was born with arthrogryposis, a rare disease which cripples the body. He is therefore unable to use his arms and legs. Tony was placed in a foster family at an early age. Under the guidance of his foster parents he learned to paint with his mouth using crayons and chalks. Tony eventually moved to Jacksonville, Florida where he attended art classes in high school and at Jacksonville University. Tony calls his works “Art of Hope”, as he strives to inspire hope through his art. The mouth painting artist’s favorite topics are sea views and lighthouses.

Pictured above: “Butterflies” by Ryals.



Jesica Gacuson, from Hawaii was born with a birth defect known as bilateral congenital disorder which means she has no use of her arms and limited use of her legs. This proved to make all things in her life a challenge, as she had to learn to do everything with her feet instead of her hands. Jesica was determined to be like all the other kids and refused to let her disability come in the way of her dreams. Jesica learned to play the drums with her feet and she can even drive a car.

While in college, Jesica discovered she wanted a career in animation and soon enrolled in the necessary classes. She was surprised to learn she needed to take art classes in order to pursue this degree and as she began painting with her foot, she realized she loved it.

Jesica was accepted as a student to the Association and loves to draw still lifes and florals in bright, vivid colors.

Pictured above: “Still Life” by Gacuson.


Moses Hamilton was born on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Mo, as he is known by his friends, began sketching at a young age and since that point, art played a pivotal role in his life. However, everything changed for Mo in October 2002 when he was 26 years old. Moses suffered a severe spinal cord injury in a car accident, rendering him quadriplegic. Mo’s rehabilitation was long and arduous but it was during this time that was introduced to mouth painting: “I saw others paint, those who were in even worse situations than me, and it gave me the strength to try”. With the realisation that there was still a vehicle for his creativity, Mo’s passion for art was restored, giving him hope for the future. With considerable hard work Mo developed a unique style that expressive culture of the Hawaiian islands and people. Mo has been featured in magazines and articles, wherein he shares his extraordinary story and talent. Moses hopes to inspire others who are facing adversity to lead productive and fulfilling lives despite their hardships.

Moses was accepted as a student member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2015.

Pictured above: “Honu” by Hamilton.



Linda Bannon was born with a congenital amelia and Holt-Oram Syndrome, meaning she was born without arms and learned to exclusively use her feet to accomplish daily activities. As the oldest of 5 siblings, learned many parenting skills through caring for her brothers and from a young age she enjoyed helping younger kids learn new things and was good at “teaching”. In high school she decided to go to college to study education, afterwards becoming a teacher and working in classrooms for 12 years. When the politics of education began to wear on her, she left her career behind to focus on raising her young son.

During her time as a stay-at-home mom, she had time to explore a variety of interests and creative endeavors, as well as becoming a mentor for limb different youth. She also learned to crochet and became more serious about foot painting. Linda had always had an interest in art and many family members have encouraged her to develop skills in various crafts, music, writing and art. Varying world events pushed her to dive deeper into her painting skills as a form of expression and she was encouraged to apply to the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists by MFPA USA Student, foot painter Anna Marecka. Linda became a Student of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2022.

Pictured above: “Purple Rose” by Bannon.


Antonio Davis was born on March 24, 1975 in Chicago. In 1994, he suffered a gunshot wound to the chest that left him quadriplegic. Prior to his injury, Antonio was studying graphic art at a vocational school in Chicago. He was encouraged by a friend to start drawing again, this time by holding the pen in his mouth. Subsequently, Robert Thome, MFPA full member artist inspired and encouraged Antonio to develop his skills as a mouth painter.

He now resides in his native Chicago with his wife and focuses mainly on portraits, landscapes and still lifes.

Pictured above: “Blue Velvet” by Davis.


Corey Hyslop was injured in motorcycle accident in 2007, which rendered him quadriplegic. Since his accident, Corey has worked tirelessly to achieve his dreams and goals; earning his master’s degree in human resources and recently retired from a long-term position in HR from a renowned military contractor. Whilst he had no formal artistic training prior to his accident, Corey discovered that art was an incredibly therapeutic outlet. In his free time, he likes to play poker, keeping up to date on new technologies and listening to music. Corey was accepted as a Student Member in 2024.

Pictured above: “Koi” by Hyslop.


Stephanie Anne Gregorich, from Crest Hill Illinois, was born with Arthrogryposis & Scoliosis. Stephanie has both an Associate’s degree from Joliet Junior College, & Bachelor’s degree in Special Education-graduating with honors. She also taught for 3 years at a local elementary school, & has been a private tutor-mentor for young children for 20 years.

Stephanie discovered the MFPA on a television program & realized-"I paint with my mouth, maybe I could do that." After prayer and practice, Stephanie became very serious about mouth painting and everyone started complimenting her oil paintings. Stephanie applied to the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists and was accepted in 2017 as a student member. Stephanie believes that, after many years of trials & tribulations, she has finally found where she belongs!


Mariam Paré was born December 1, 1975 in Kenitra, Morocco and her family moved to the United States when she was a small child. Mariam was in college working on her Art History degree when at age 20 she was left quadriplegic due to an accidental gunshot wound. In 1997 she began to re-learn to paint when introduced to mouth painting by an occupational therapist and now enjoys painting in various mediums including watercolors and oils that reflect her love of movement and vibrant colors. Mariam now resides in Chicago, Illinois.

Mariam was promoted to Full Member in 2023.

Pictured above: “Tomatillos ” by Paré.


Dawn Smith, from Rochelle, Illinois was born with a condition known as Holt-Oram Syndrome, a genetic syndrome which primarily affects the heart and hands. In Dawn’s case, the majority of her disability is in her arms and hands. She was born with arms that are about three inches long and only has three fingers on each hand. Since she was born this way, it was natural for Dawn to grow up using her feet in place of her hands. Dawn can do just about anything an able-bodied person can do by using her feet. She can drive her car, cook, clean, mow the lawn, but most importantly, Dawn is a single mother of four boys.

Since she was a little girl, Dawn always loved to draw and paint, holding the brushes with her feet. As she grew older, she found painting to be a form of escaping from her busy day to day routine. She painted all the walls in her house, as well as her boys bedrooms with bright, cheerful designs from floor to ceiling. She now works mostly with acrylics and loves to capture the beauties of her surroundings on canvas.

Pictured Above: “In The Making” by Smith




At only14 years of age Robert Florio, of Maryland, was rendered quadriplegic after diving into a swimming pool. Even before his accident, Robert was an aspiring artist. In 2007 Robert graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburg with a Bachelors of Science in Video Game Art and Design. For Robert art is both a form of expression and a way of life; a philosophy that radiates in his colorful and vivid paintings. He is energetic, driven and an enthusiastic young man. Robert enjoys spending his time, when not painting, public speaking, writing and illustrating children’s books. One of his notable attributes, apart from his artistic talent, is his joy for living, evidenced by his stand-up comedy routines and his autobiography “LIFE! It Must be a Comedy”. Robert was accepted as student member to MFPA in 2012.

Pictured above: “Happy Sun on a Beach” by Florio.



Jesse Cuellar, from Missouri, was only 28 when he fell of a roof while working in construction. Before his accident, Jesse’s passion was art. He loved drawing and painting and despite no longer being able to walk again, he was devastated that he would never again be able to do what he loved. Or so he thought. While he was at the Rehab Institute of St Louis, he was encouraged by his physical therapist to begin mouth painting. Through practice and perseverance, Jesse has found a new found passion for art, and produces paintings that he feels are just as good, if not better than those he painted with his hands.

Jesse’s painting are bright vivid abstracts that reflect his generation. He is determined to inspire people that they can overcome any obstacle no matter the limitations. Jesse was accepted into the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2013.

Pictured above: “Tree3” by Cuellar


Doug Landis was born February 15, 1959 in Fresno. In January of 1975 at the age of 15 he suffered from a wrestling accident in high school that left him quadriplegic. Doug taught himself to paint by mouth and went on to graduate from the California Institute of Arts in Valencia with a Master of Fine Arts degree. He has received acclaim for his animal drawing series “Vanishing Breeds” done in pencil. Doug has exhibited his works in various exhibitions in the U.S. He now resides in Ballwin, Missouri and along with pencil sketches, he enjoys experimenting with watercolor and acrylic paintings.

Pictured above: “Panda” by Landis.


Letisha Shelton, from Missouri was born with several severe birth defects which include a clubbed left foot, a curved femur and no arms at all. This made life very difficult for Letisha, as she had to learn to do all her tasks with her right foot.

At a very young age, Letisha loved to draw with her foot and doodle all over any piece of paper she came across. Her father saw her artistic abilities and brought her home a drawing book which she filled with cartoon characters, skyscrapers, flowers and animals. While in high school, Letisha began taking art classes and really began to master her talent as a foot painter. She was accepted as a student to the Association in 2011.

Today, Letisha is enrolled in college and her teachers refer to her as an abstract artist. She wishes to pursue her career as an artist and is always striving to reach the level of artistic ability that would put her at a professional level. Letisha paints mainly landscapes and abstracts using oils and water colors.

Pictured above: “Pink Flower” by Shelton.

New Mexico


Benjamin Wolf was born in 1968 with a congenital defect that left him without the use of his arms and legs. At just two years old, Ben and his family moved to Texas, where he underwent numerous surgeries to reshape his legs. Still, he was confined to a wheelchair, and spent much of his childhood adjusting his interests to meet his abilities. Ben became interested in art at a young age, drawing – and eventually painting – with his mouth. In 1983, he was accepted into the MFPA.

Ben’s favorite subjects are animals and landscapes of New Mexico. In addition to painting, Ben enjoys listening to music and writing science fiction stories. He currently resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Pictured above: “Butterfly and Rosebush” by Wolf.

New York


Nancy Hall, from New York was involved in a tragic motorcycle accident rendering her a C 3-4 quadriplegic. Soon after her accident, Nancy got divorced and she was left to raise her five children all on her own.

Nancy’s youngest child at the time of the accident was only 5 years old and just learning how to write. The rest of her kids needed help with their homework and out of sheer frustration Nancy put a pen in her mouth and began to write. Nancy then began helping her kids color and paint pictures by holding the brush in her mouth. One of her older sons suggested Nancy try painting her own pictures and set her up with a water color paint set. After much hard work and practice, Nancy began making beautiful art work. She started selling her work at craft shows and was accepted to the Association in 2011. Nancy continues to paint vivid flowers and abstracts.

Pictured above: “Spring Flowers” by Hall.


Linda Ospina was born without arms due to a poorly prescribed medication given to her mother whilst she was pregnant.

With the support of her family, Linda was able to adapt to using her feet as if they were her arms. When she was seven years old, she began painting with her feet and was soon accepted as a Student of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists. .

Linda now lives in New York and has exhibited her paintings worldwide

Pictured above: “Toocan” by Ospina.



Mack Johnson was born in 1960. A Native American artist, Mack has two passions: painting and saving lives. He’s able to do both by communicating a message of sobriety through his mouth-painting.

At age 23, Mack plunged over the edge of a cliff while drinking and driving. As a result of his accident, Mack was paralyzed from the neck down. He continued to abuse drugs and alcohol for three years after his accident, until another drinking binge sent him back to the hospital.

After his second hospitalization, Mack checked himself into a clinic for substance abuse therapy and remains sober to this day. After achieving sobriety, he joined Mouth and Foot Painting Artists and now demonstrates to fellow MFPA students and tribesman how it is possible to be an artist without the use of his arms. “I also use the opportunity to warn them about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and how counseling saved my life,” says Mack.

He resides in Reno, Nevada where he is working on an associate degree in digital media at Truckee Meadows Community College.

Pictured above: “Wood Duck” by Johnson.

North Carolina

Anna Marecka

Anna Marecka, from North Carolina, was born in Poland. She is a congenital bilateral shoulder amputee and does everything using her feet. She first came to the U.S. with her mom at a young age to receive medical care at Shriners hospital. They permanently moved when Anna was 13. Ever since she can remember, Anna enjoyed bright colors and being creative. For years she enjoyed nail art, makeup, and painting furniture. Now as a scholarship holder of the MFPA she loves painting in watercolour. Her paintings are bright and colorful. Every day she keeps discovering the power of creativity and the joy it brings her to be able to do what she loves. Aside from painting, Anna enjoys spending time with her teenage son, her service dog, family, and friends. Anna has been accepted as a Student Member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2020.

Pictured above: “Flower Explosion” by Marecka



Jaime Rankin, from Ohio, was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in her late twenties. The advanced nature of her disease caused irreparable damage to her spinal cord, leaving her without the use of her arms or legs. Jaime began mouth painting as a form of therapy and as a way to capture all the memories and adventures she shared with her daughter. With a desire to share the importance of creative expression for people living with mental, emotional or physical trauma, Jaime recently began teaching art therapy classes: encouraging her students to paint from where they are right now rather than outcomes so that they may find balance and peace in their lives. Jaime was accepted as a Student Member in 2023. .

Pictured above: “Golden Buddha” by Rankin.



Ron Heagy, from Oregon, was a wrestler, football star and an avid skier with a bright future when tragedy struck on the day before his 18th birthday. Suffering a broken neck following a surfing accident, Ron awoke the next day to the knowledge that he would never be able to walk, feed or dress himself. Many individuals would have given up, but Ron turned his tragedy into triumph. Through sheer determination, Ron graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Social Work and inspired by his Mother, picked up a brush between his teeth and began to paint. Ron’s talent was natural, and his eye for beauty and detail produces amazing landscapes. Ron was accepted into the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2013.

Pictured above: “Midnight Beach” by Heagy


Jayden Tranby was born a bilateral congenital amputee in PRC. When he was two years old he was adopted by an American family and moved to Oregon. With the love and encouragement of his adoptive parents, Jayden learned to accomplish all daily and extracurricular activities using his feet. Jayden struggles with social anxiety and finds painting a way of communicating his thoughts and feelings more easily. Jayden is so fortunate to live surrounded by the natural beauty of the Cascade Mountains as it provides a great deal of inspiration for his art. When Jayden is not painting, he enjoys para-nordic skiing camping and constructing Lego. Jayden was accepted as a Student Member in 2024.

Pictured above: “Mountain Lake” by Tranby.


Julie Ann Mills was born April 30, 1963 in Orange, California with Arthrogryposis, a birth defect that has left her without the use of her hands and limited use of her legs. Julie began mouth painting at the age of 3. She enjoys painting animals and nature scenes in watercolors. She has shown her work at craft fairs, Art Galleries and in several group exhibitions in Eugene, Oregon where she now resides with her two children.

Pictured above: “Bridge in Autumn ” by Mills-Testi.



GlenDick always loved nature and drawing. He studied at Temple University, where he earned a degree in landscape architecture. One year later, in 1995, Glen broke his neck in an accident, paralyzing him from the chest down.

Since his accident, Glen has taught himself to paint with his mouth, concentrating his artwork on the beauty and solace he finds in nature, and the wonder of seeing it through his daughter’s eyes.

“Glen is an advocate for disability education, and recently published a children’s book: “We Can Go Anywhere: My Adventures on Daddy’s Chair.” Glen currently lives outside of Philadelphia with his wife and daughter

Glen is became a student member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2019.

Pictured above: “A Walk in the Snow” by Dick.


Belinda Jacay was born in 2006 in a small town in the Andes of Peru called Tarma. Belinda was born with Gastroschisis (open abdomen) and Congenital Multiple Arthrogryposis AMC (rigid and crooked joints). Since medical care in her town was ill equipped to treat her condition

she and her family journeyed to Lima, where she was able to recover from Gastroschisis in 2 years, however Doctors were unable to treat her AMC. Confined to her wheel chair, Belinda sought to find independence wherever she could and started writing and painting with her mouth. Amazed by her talent and determination, Belinda’s parents contacted

the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in Peru where she was encouraged to apply as a Student and was accepted. As a student, Belinda began receiving a monthly scholarship and was able to pay a teacher to advance her training and to buy tools to continue painting. Belinda soon began attracting the attention of local media and was invited to appear

on a local television show. It was during one particular appearance that she caught the eye of a women whole daughter was a Specialist at AMC Shriners in Philadelphia, USA. Belinda’s parents did everything in the power to move her to Pennsylvania for treatment and at the tender age of 8, Belinda made the long journey to America. So far, Belinda

has received 8 surgeries at Shriners Hospital, which has enable her to stand up and use an electric chair, she was even able to enroll in a regular school where learned to read, write and speak English. In 2018, Belinda joined MFPA USA with the purpose of continuing to paint and achieving more opportunities to move forward.

Pictured above: “Holiday Candles” by Jacay.


David Nolt was born in 1980 with Multiple Congenital Arthrogryposis, a birth defect that left him without the use of his arms and hands. David began painting as a child, using oils to duplicate images of his surroundings. Today, David works from a studio in Leola, Pennsylvania.

When he is not painting, Nolt enjoys working with his telescope, which he maneuvers with a mouth stick.

“I am always inspired by the life around me, so I wanted to learn how to translate that to something that could be shared,” Nolt says. “I am looking forward to stretching my talents on behalf of the MFPA.”

David is an Associate Member of the Association.

Pictured above: “Wisteria Cottage” by Nolt.


Michael Platzer, from Pennsylvania was involved in a diving accident when he was just 13 years old that left him a quadriplegic. After being taught how to paint by holding the brush in his mouth by an artist friend, Michael discovered a whole new world as an artist. He worked very hard and even went to Penn State University to further his artistic abilities. Michael’s enthusiasm for painting has superseded any obstacles he has encountered, and a heartfelt affection for his subjects is evident in all his paintings.

Accomplished in both watercolor and oils, Platzer renders a wide range of themes from landscapes and lighthouses to woodpeckers and character studies.

Michael has exhibited his work throughout Pennsylvania and has gained much recognition for his art.

Pictured above: “Lighthouse” by Platzer.

South Carolina


Dianne Baughman was born without the use of her arms or legs due to a spinal cord injury she received during birth. Fiercely independent from a young age, Dianne went on to pursue a degree in psychology at the University of South Carolina whilst looking after her young children. When her mother became ill, Dianne began taking care of her, and it was her mother’s love of art that inspired Dianne to begin mouth painting.

What began as a hobby to pass the time, soon became a passion. Dianne would find herself sitting down at her table in the afternoon only to release she had worked deep into the night because she found she could not stop. Dianne’s faith inspires her love of nature and animals, and she enjoys painting landscapes. Dianne became a Student member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists in 2021.

Pictured above: “Mountain Church” by Baughman.



Jared Dunten was born on August 1, 1974 in Texas. In 2000, he was left quadriplegic due to a diving accident. Prior to this, Jared was involved in painting. After his accident, his family and friends encouraged him to continue painting and he developed his skills as a mouth painter.

Jared now resides in Spicewood, Texas and is also involved in writing advertisements for a large company in Austin.

Pictured above: “Reclining Lady” by Dunten.


Sara Jane Parsons was born in 1964 and grew up during the 60’s and 70’s, loving the art of tie-dye, batik, ceramics and macramé. All that changed when a tragic car accident occurred and at the young age of 20, Sara’s neck was broken and she was paralyzed from the shoulders down. She could no longer enjoy her creative outlets and saw her life “as a long dark tunnel stretching before her”.

Sara however, did not give up. Feeling the need to create something, she began drawing and sketching with a brush held in her mouth. She would soon realize her new passion for drawing the human form from live models, even attending figure drawing classes twice a week. Sara is also drawn to the universal organic forms found in sea shells, which she often puts to canvas. Her love affair with painting has continued and Sara mostly works in watercolor and graphite. Sara Jane is an Associate Member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists.

Pictured above: “Tiger Lilies” by Parsons



Ray Robbins was born January 20, 1965 in North Carolina. In 1984 he was left paralyzed from the chest down due to a serious accident involving a garbage truck. During his stay in a rehabilitation facility after the accident, he began experimenting with mouth painting in oils. Ray now resides in Layton, Utah with his wife. His favorite subjects are animals and landscapes.

Pictured above: “Rocky Moutain Ram” by Robbins.



Brom Wikstrom was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. His father, a commercial artist, passed along his artistic interest to Brom, who began painting as a child. Brom continued to study the craft, illustrating his high school yearbook and eventually enrolling in art classes at Seattle Central Community College. During the summer of 1975, at the age of 21, a diving accident left Brom a quadriplegic. He spent seven weeks in intensive care in a public health hospital, and the following year in Seattle at the University of Washington hospital.

During rehabilitation, he learned to use a mouth stick to turn pages when reading. Toward the end of rehabilitation, he started mouth painting, which began to stir up the old, familiar memories associated with painting prior to his accident. After redeveloping his passion and talent for painting, Brom set up an art studio in his home where he began experimenting with geometric designs.

In 1994, Brom became a full member artist of MFPA. His work has been shown around the globe, including the United Kingdom Belgium, British Columbia, Austria and Australia. In 2004, Brom’s work will be featured at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., for the second time. He recently won first place for a watercolor at the Sister Kenny International Art Show.

Brom is actively involved in teaching in elementary and high schools as a visiting guest artist, but explains, “My first and foremost passion is working with MFPA, an organization that encourages continual development and growth in the world of art.”

Pictured above: “Woodland Creek” by Wikstrom.

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